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How Five Organizations Are Working to Reach Every Last Voter in 2022

How Five Organizations Are Working to Reach Every Last Voter in 2022

Last week, we introduced our supporters to five of our Turnout Grantees on our call on the power of engaging communities.

Staying Connected: an update on our Alumni Network

Staying Connected: an update on our Alumni Network

Meet a few members of a network of committed change-makers — our alumni.

Cycle After Cycle: The Strategy Behind Multi-Cycle Investment States

Cycle After Cycle: The Strategy Behind Multi-Cycle Investment States

We asked our Legislative Political Director, Alyssa, to help us explain why long-term investment matters.

The Power of One More: Expanding Capacity on the Nation’s Most Important Races

The Power of One More: Expanding Capacity on the Nation’s Most Important Races

The Campaign Fellows Program is our way of building campaign capacity so Democrats are able to compete, and win.

Here’s What You Missed at our May Webinar

Here’s What You Missed at our May Webinar

We connected with our supporters on a call about our Campaign Fellows program, which allows us to directly support Democrats running for state office.

Turnout Grants: How Progressive Turnout Project is Helping Grassroots Groups Grow

Turnout Grants: How Progressive Turnout Project is Helping Grassroots Groups Grow

The Turnout Grant program is a way for PTP to connect with other grassroots organizations that are doing voter contact and voter turnout work across the country.