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CBS: Progressive groups shatter fundraising records in battleground states

CBS: Progressive groups shatter fundraising records in battleground states

With less than 50 days until Election Day, progressive groups are investing millions into voter registration, education and mobilization efforts in battleground states amid the coronavirus pandemic.  …

CNN Politics: Knocked off the doorsteps by the coronavirus, Democrats craft new plans to reach voters

CNN Politics: Knocked off the doorsteps by the coronavirus, Democrats craft new plans to reach voters

And because such an overwhelming proportion of the country has hardened opinions of the candidates, making persuasion difficult and a drain on precious resources, the …

Tri-City Herald: Republicans are knocking on voters’ doors. Democrats aren’t. Will it affect the 2020 outcome?

Tri-City Herald: Republicans are knocking on voters’ doors. Democrats aren’t. Will it affect the 2020 outcome?

Whether a voter canvassing operation conducted during a pandemic will significantly affect final vote tallies is a subject of intense debate — particularly among Democrats, …

Newsweek: [Opinion] There’s no good reason not to make universal vote-by-mail permanent

Newsweek: [Opinion] There’s no good reason not to make universal vote-by-mail permanent

With two months to go until the election, President Donald Trump is trying his hardest to make it more difficult for Americans to vote. The …

Alabama Political Reporter: Progressive Turnout Project plans to call, write voters telling them to vote for Doug Jones

Alabama Political Reporter: Progressive Turnout Project plans to call, write voters telling them to vote for Doug Jones

The Progressive Turnout Project launched its voter turnout program Monday, and the group is vowing to make 55 million telephone calls and hand-write 500,000 letters …

The Hill: Campaign Report: Biden condemns violence, blames Trump for fomenting it | Bitter Mass. primaries reach the end | Super PAC spending set to explode

The Hill: Campaign Report: Biden condemns violence, blames Trump for fomenting it | Bitter Mass. primaries reach the end | Super PAC spending set to explode

Also in the mix — the Progressive Turnout Project, which has a budget of $52 million this cycle, has announced a new voter contact program in …