Poll Results From 8/1 Through 9/7

Progressive Turnout Project received more than 18O,OOO responses to our series of one-question polls on legislative proposals that would increase voter turnout. Here are the responses:

  • 87% support having U.S. citizens automatically registered to vote when they turn 18 years old.
  • 57% support a system of compulsory voting in which participation in elections would be required.
  • 89% support abolishing the Electoral College which would allow more people to cast important votes in presidential elections.
  • 91% support making Election Day a national holiday thus removing a significant barrier for many voters.
    That’s overwhelming support across the board. The message is loud and clear: We need more participation in democracy, not less.

And that’s exactly what the Progressive Turnout Project is all about: using the power of an army of trained field representatives to have authentic and honest conversations at the voter’s door and in local communities. We believe that’s the key to increasing voter turnout and the path to victory for the Democrats.
We will continue to share the results to our polls as we gather them. Thank you so much for your support!