In Wake of Maryland Gerrymandering SCOTUS Case, Progressive Turnout Project Will Keep Fighting for Voting Reform

June 27, 2019
CONTACT: Shannon Faulise;

In Wake of Maryland Gerrymandering SCOTUS Case, Progressive Turnout Project Will Keep Fighting for Voting Reform
Executive Director Alex Morgan released the following statement regarding the Lamone v. Benisek Supreme Court decision:

“This decision was disappointing, but it doesn’t mean voters are out of options,” said Executive Director Alex Morgan. “Now it’s time to pivot our focus to state-level solutions to resolve gerrymandering and get more voters engaged in the redistricting process.”
“There’s opportunity ahead despite this ruling. In the wake of the decision, we’re going to focus on citizen-led movements to make sure every voice and every vote is heard and counted in time for the 2020 election.”
Progressive Turnout Project will continue to monitor voting rights related issues and keep fighting for fair districts, transparent redistricting processes, equal access to the polls, and voting security.


Progressive Turnout Project is a grassroots-funded political action committee with a single mission: get Democrats to the polls. PTP designs, tests, and executes specialized voter-turnout programs targeting inconsistent Democratic voters in the most competitive districts across the country. Since its inception in 2015, the organization has raised more than $32 million with a supporter base of over 3 million and invested in voter-turnout programs in 130 House and Senate races.